Аннотация:Three families of the Russian moss flora are described and illustrated.Leptodontaceae in cludes Leptodon snithii and 5 species of Forsstroemia (F.japonica, F. cryphaeoides, F. stricta, F. trichomitra and F. noguchi).F. stricta Lazarenko is considered as an endemic of Russian Far East; this species is very close to pan-subtropical F. prodvcta.Endotome segments are found in F. japonica.Cryphaeaceae includes 2 species of Cryphaea, both known in Russia by the single collection -C.heteromalla is known from Northern Caucasus, C. amurensis Ignatov sp.nov. is described from Khabarovsk Territory, Far East.Leucodontaceae includes Dozya japonica, Antitrichia curtipendula and 5 species of Leucodon (L.sciuroides, L. immersus, L. coreense, L. pendulus and L. flagellare).Sporophytes of L. flagellare are described for the first time. Резюме