The caring doctor is an oxymoronписьмо
Аннотация: Editor—Mackenzie’s hypothesis that the term “the caring doctor” is an oxymoron struck a chord with many doctors I speak to.1 I have long thought that general practice will develop best if we replace the sham of caring with better professionalism. This does not stop us practising good medicine in a compassionate and considerate manner. We spend a lot of time teaching consulting skills to registrars. Good consulting is not the same as “niceness,” and the term “the caring professions” is patronising and arrogant.
There is still a place for the registered list of patients, but in a computerised world it is a tool for targeting and delivering good medicine—for example, in secondary prevention. The modern world is demanding of us. If general practice is to remain vibrant and attract high quality recruits we have to develop practice beyond the personal attributes of individual doctors. We need to think imaginatively, to continue the drive for better organisation, to use information technology to the full, to recognise the strengths of other members of the team, to delegate and give up some of our traditional perceived duties to those who often do them better. Surely routine visiting is a thing of the past.
Practitioners as team leaders need to have the time and energy to step back and look critically at what the practice does as a whole and not to be afraid to initiate change. Too much of what we do still depends on tradition rather than planning. This opens the doors to external influences, as we have seen in the past few years to our disadvantage.
Clinical audit should no longer be a threat to most of us, and perhaps we need to open the debate about clinical outcomes in practice. This debate should include the limitations that patients should expect of our services, and their responsibilities towards their own health. It should be aimed at reducing the dependency on doctors that seems to be ingrained in some quarters—for example, for numerous prescriptions for minor illness.
I suspect that patients in general would support attempts to improve services at the expense of personal doctoring, which is probably more important to some doctors than to most patients. Inevitably this may touch on the question of standards, but if the debate is open and the standards explicit then most of us have nothing to fear.
Год издания: 1998
Авторы: Augusta Short, Chuck Blow, J Rawlinson, H Tooby, T. K. Pitcairn
Издательство: BMJ
Источник: BMJ
Ключевые слова: Primary Care and Health Outcomes, Nursing Roles and Practices, Healthcare Systems and Technology
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