The Signs of Old Fleet Street to the End of the Eighteenth Centuryстатья из журнала
Аннотация: After tlie Great Fire many of the signs were made of stone and built into the fronts of the houses, whilst the majority of people hung them over the doors or fixed them to the fronts of the houses as before.But in the eighteenth century they became as great a nuisance as they had been in the days of Charles the Second.Thus, in the year 1762, the painted signs (many of which are said to have been painted by sign painters who dwelt in Harp Alley, or Harper's Alley, Shoe Lane, and others) were taken down by Act of Parliament, and only those of stone which were built into the fronts of the houses were suffered to remain, and these have from time to time disappeared as and when the said houses have been demolished, and at the present day very few of them exist in situ, and a very small number are preserved in the Museum of the Corporation of London, at the Guildhall.For a full description of these I would refer you to the excellent work on London Signs and Signboards by my friend Philip Norman, who has long worked upon this subject with great perseverance and ability.It is much to be regretted that none of these picture signs were preserved, as many may have been of considerable merit, and most of them would be extremely interesting now.In March of this year Bonnell Thornton got up an exhibition at his rooms in Bow Street of signboards, as a burlesque upon the exhibition of the Society of Artists.A catalogue was printed, which is to be seen in the Appendix of Larwood and Hotten's The History of Signboards.It is recorded that Hogarth, who enjoyed the joke, helped in the matter.It was a happy idea, as this was the year when they were taken down from the houses and the houses were numbered for the first time.At first this change caused great annoyance to the inhabitants, as, the streets then being badly lighted, there was considerable difficulty in finding the shops ; and it is Sciid that many resorted to hanging up lanthorns, or placing candles on the balconies, or by painting their door posts, doors, or fronts of their houses some glaring colour, which signs were duly advertised in the newspapers in order to assist purchasers to the houses.
Год издания: 1895
Авторы: F. G. Hilton Price
Издательство: Taylor & Francis
Источник: Archaeological Journal
Ключевые слова: Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, Global Maritime and Colonial Histories, Maritime and Coastal Archaeology
Другие ссылки: Archaeological Journal (HTML)
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Открытый доступ: green
Том: 52
Выпуск: 1
Страницы: 348–391