Evoked Responses from the Pudendal Nerveстатья из журнала
Аннотация: No AccessJournal of Urology1 Nov 1982Evoked Responses from the Pudendal Nerve Scott Haldeman, William E. Bradley, and Narender Bhatia Scott HaldemanScott Haldeman , William E. BradleyWilliam E. Bradley , and Narender BhatiaNarender Bhatia View All Author Informationhttps://doi.org/10.1016/S0022-5347(17)53306-6AboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints ShareFacebookLinked InTwitterEmail Evoked responses on stimulation of the dorsal nerve of the penis were recorded in a group of healthy male subjects and in patients with distinct neurologic lesions. Responses were recorded over the bulbocavernosus muscle by a new percutaneous method, and over the spinal cord and cerebral cortex by computer averaging of multiple stimuli applied to the pudendal nerve. The neurologic lesions in patients with bladder symptoms secondary to diabetic peripheral neuropathy, myelopathy owing to multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease were confirmed using these tests, as well as cystometry and somatosensory evoked responses from the posterior tibial nerve. © 1982 by The American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc.FiguresReferencesRelatedDetailsCited ByYILMAZ U, TATLISEN A, TURAN H, ARMAN F and EKMEKCIOGLU O (2018) THE EFFECTS OF FLUOXETINE ON SEVERAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL VARIABLES IN PATIENTS WITH PREMATURE EJACULATIONJournal of Urology, VOL. 161, NO. 1, (107-111), Online publication date: 1-Jan-1999.UCHIO E, YANG C, KROMM B and BRADLEY W (2018) CORTICAL EVOKED RESPONSES FROM THE PERINEAL NERVEJournal of Urology, VOL. 162, NO. 6, (1983-1986), Online publication date: 1-Dec-1999.Tjandra B and Janknegt R (2018) Neurogenic Impotence and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Due to Vitamin B1 Deficiency in Chronic AlcoholismJournal of Urology, VOL. 157, NO. 3, (954-955), Online publication date: 1-Mar-1997.Klausner A and Batra A (2018) Pudendal Nerve Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Patients with Voiding and/or Erectile Dysfunction: Correlating Test Results with Clinical FindingsJournal of Urology, VOL. 156, NO. 4, (1425-1427), Online publication date: 1-Oct-1996.Gänzer H, Madersbacher H and Rumpl E (2018) Cortical Evoked Potentials by Stimulation of the Vesicourethral Junction: Clinical Value and Neurophysiological ConsiderationsJournal of Urology, VOL. 146, NO. 1, (118-123), Online publication date: 1-Jul-1991.Herbaut A, Nogueira M and Wespes E (2018) Urinary Retention Due to Sacral Myeloradiculitis: A Clinical and Neurophysiological StudyJournal of Urology, VOL. 144, NO. 5, (1206-1208), Online publication date: 1-Nov-1990. (2018) Reply by AuthorsJournal of Urology, VOL. 138, NO. 3, (630-630), Online publication date: 1-Sep-1987.Opsomer R, Guerit J, Wese F and Van Cangh P (2018) Pudendal Cortical Somatosensory Evoked PotentialsJournal of Urology, VOL. 135, NO. 6, (1216-1217), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1986. Volume 128Issue 5November 1982Page: 974-980 Advertisement Copyright & Permissions© 1982 by The American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc.MetricsAuthor Information Scott Haldeman More articles by this author William E. Bradley More articles by this author Narender Bhatia More articles by this author Expand All Advertisement Loading ...
Год издания: 1982
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Источник: The Journal of Urology
Ключевые слова: Peripheral Nerve Disorders, Botulinum Toxin and Related Neurological Disorders, Sexual function and dysfunction studies
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Страницы: 974–980