The Business of Slavery and the Rise of American Capitalism, 1815-1860книга
Аннотация: Abstract Businesses that financed, traded, and transported enslaved people chart the progress of nineteenth-century American capitalism more strikingly than any other enterprise. Drawing on history, literature, and business studies, this book details the interstate United States slave trade at the level of the firm. Slave traders investigated here were business insiders rather than social outcasts and were some of the early U.S. republic's most ingenious merchants. In seven chapters, each centering on a particular enterprise, this book explores how enslavers sought competitive advantages and developed strategies over a forty-five-year period. Subjects range from a trio of self-financed partners driving enslaved people along rough Appalachian trails in 1818 to the most successful interstate slave trading firms of the 1820s and 1830s to a New York-based steamship company that seized a virtual monopoly on the Gulf Coast trade with Texas by the close of the 1840s. Participants in the slavery business innovated in finance and transportation, and this book investigates entrepreneurship and creativity in the context of the growth of finance and government sponsorship and protections. Over time some opportunities closed as others opened. But the business of slavery was never merely business, and the creative destruction that built a commercial republic and helped create a continental empire was one that racked the bodies, splintered the families, and tried the souls of African-descended Americans. The book explores their reactions and counter-strategies, illustrating the tragedy of slaveholders' ambitions.
Год издания: 2015
Авторы: Calvin Schermerhorn
Ключевые слова: Colonialism, slavery, and trade
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Library Union Catalog of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg (B3Kat Repository) (PDF)
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