Аннотация:The interference of a discrete autoionized state with a continuum gives rise to characteristically asymmetric peaks in excitation spectra. The earlier qualitative interpretation of this phenomenon is extended and revised. A theoretical formula is fitted to the shape of the $2s2p^{1}P$ resonance of He observed in the inelastic scattering of electrons. The fitting determines the parameters of the $2s2p^{1}P$ resonance as follows: $E=60.1$ ev, $\ensuremath{\Gamma}\ensuremath{\sim}0.04$ ev, $f\ensuremath{\sim}2 \mathrm{to} 4\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}3}$. The theory is extended to the interaction of one discrete level with two or more continua and of a set of discrete levels with one continuum. The theory can also give the position and intensity shifts produced in a Rydberg series of discrete levels by interaction with a level of another configuration. The connection with the nuclear theory of resonance scattering is indicated.