The genesis of vandalism: From childhood to adolescenceстатья из журнала
Аннотация: This study was developed because vandal behavior is an increasing threat in the world.Countries, commercial companies, and individuals experience great damage to property as a result of individual vandal acts.In addition, vandalism threatens not only "tangible assets" but also the cultural and historical heritage of modern humanity.Despite the threatening spread of vandalism, the study of its psychological foundations, including its origins, in the context of individual life courses is in many ways terra incognita.The objective of the present study was to investigate the genesis of vandal behavior and the sociopsychological and individual personality factors in the formation of readiness to destroy public property and the property of others.A comprehensive study of children, adolescents, and young adults (N=1522), as well as of their social environment, revealed mechanisms of the readiness to commit vandal acts that were present since childhood.The study was conducted by examining four age groups: preschoolers (4-6 years), primary school pupils (7-9 years), adolescents (12-15 years), and young adults (17-22 years); the instruments used were specific-age batteries, observation, expert techniques, and questionnaires.We found that the characteristics of parent-child relationship are is the basis for forming the boundaries of the permissible activity of the child; disturbance in the parent-child relationship can lead to the development of forms of vandalism in children.We describe the specificity and intensity of the vandal activity of adolescents and young adults in the context of their environment, and we look at the individual characteristics that promote deviant behavior.Thus, vandal activity is not only a specific characteristic of adolescents and young adults, and it is not always very destructive.Basic vandal activity originates in the early stages of ontogenesis as a result of a deformation in social interaction that becomes fixed and converted into the destructive actions of people trying through this form of activity to understand themselves in social space.
Год издания: 2015
Издательство: Moscow State University
Источник: Psychology in Russia State of Art
Ключевые слова: Public Spaces through Art, Law in Society and Culture, Visual Culture and Art Theory
Открытый доступ: diamond
Том: 8
Выпуск: 1
Страницы: 139–139