Mode of Feeding and its Effect on Infant Mortality and Morbidityстатья из журнала
Аннотация: This study involved 9,886 newborn babies delivered at the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center in the Philippines from January 1973 to April 1977, a period of four years and four months. This period was divided into two phases; the first from January 1973 to March 1975, during which most of the babies were confined in the nursery, formula fed and subjected to a long starvation period; and the second, from April 1975 to April 1977, during which nursery policy regarding the feeding patterns of neonates was formally changed from cow's milk formula to breastfeeding on demand, with rooming-in and a shorter starvation period. Comparative studies were made of the two phases. The incidence of oral thrush, diarrhoea and clinical sepsis and death due to the two latter diseases was identified for case studies during both phases. These were the diseases whose incidences were drastically reduced during the intensification of the breastfeeding program as reported in the weekly and monthly reviews or morbidity and mortality of the hospital's Paediatric Department. The mode of feeding (breast, mixed and formula) was also directly correlated with the three diseases singled out for case diagnosis. The data showed the superiority of breast milk with fully breast fed and mixed fed infants having much lower incidences of morbidity and mortality than formula fed neonates. The results of the study are consistent with existing evidence of the protective role of breast milk, which is vital to the survival of the newborn, particularly in a developing country like the Philippines.
Год издания: 1982
Авторы: N. R. CLAVANO
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Источник: Journal of Tropical Pediatrics
Ключевые слова: Breastfeeding Practices and Influences, Child and Adolescent Health, Infant Nutrition and Health
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Том: 28
Выпуск: 6
Страницы: 287–293