Exercise, Physical Fitness, and Dietary Habits of First-Year Female Nursing Studentsстатья из журнала
Аннотация: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the practice of regular physical exercise, the anthropometrical and physiological characteristics, and the dietary habits of a group of female nursing students (n = 46) and of a control group of female students from other disciplines (n = 58) attending the University of the Basque Country. To this end, diets and leisure-time physical exercise were analyzed and the following variables were measured: body mass index, body composition, blood pressure, maximal oxygen consumption (VO 2 max), and explosive muscle strength. Results show that the percentage of sedentary students was higher among first-year nursing students (50%) than among other matched students (43.6%). Regular physical exercise in nursing students was found to be positively correlated with higher absolute (p < .01) and relative VO 2 max (p < 0.05) and with lower diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.05). Analysis of the diets of the nursing students showed that their energetic intake was deficient and was very low in carbohydrates and very high in fat and protein. Statistically significant differences between the two groups in anthropometric indices were not observed. The competence to provide adequate nutritional and preventive physical exercise recommendations was higher among active final-year nursing students than among sedentary final-year nursing students. Overall, the results of the present study highlight the need for a greater emphasis on the benefits of regular physical exercise and an adequate nutritional education early in the nursing educational program to encourage students to adopt healthier behaviors and to provide more effective preventive physical exercise and nutritional counseling for their future patients.
Год издания: 2006
Авторы: Amaia Irazusta, Susana M. Gil, Fátima Pastor Ruiz, Juan Gondra, Andoni Jauregi, Jon Irazusta, Javier Gil
Издательство: SAGE Publishing
Источник: Biological Research For Nursing
Ключевые слова: Physical Activity and Health, Nutrition and Health in Aging, Health and Lifestyle Studies
Другие ссылки: Biological Research For Nursing (HTML)
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Том: 7
Выпуск: 3
Страницы: 175–186