Kisspeptin Neurons from Mice to Men: Similarities and Differencesreview
Аннотация: The discovery that kisspeptin was critical for normal fertility in humans ushered in a new chapter in our understanding of the control of GnRH secretion. In this paper, we will review recent data on the similarities and differences across several mammalian species in the role of kisspeptin in reproductive neuroendocrinology. In all mammals examined to date, there is strong evidence that kisspeptin plays a key role in the onset of puberty and is necessary for both tonic and surge secretion of GnRH in adults, although kisspeptin-independent systems are also apparent in these studies. Similarly, two groups of kisspeptin neurons, one in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) and the other more rostrally, have been identified in all mammals, although the latter is concentrated in a limited area in rodents and more scattered in other species. Estrogen has divergent actions on kisspeptin expression in these two regions across these species, stimulating it the latter and inhibiting expression in the former. There is also strong evidence that the rostral population participates in the GnRH surge, whereas the ARC population contributes to steroid-negative feedback. There may be species differences in the role of these two populations in puberty, with the ARC cells important in rats, sheep, and monkeys, whereas both have been implicated in mice. ARC kisspeptin neurons also appear to participate in the GnRH surge in sheep and guinea pigs, whereas the data on this possibility in rodents are contradictory. Similarly, both populations are sexually dimorphic in sheep and humans, whereas most data in rodents indicate that this occurs only in the rostral population. The functional consequences of these species differences remain to be fully elucidated but are likely to have significance for understanding normal neuroendocrine control of reproduction as well as for use of kisspeptin agonists/antagonists as a therapeutic tool.
Год издания: 2012
Авторы: Robert L. Goodman, Michael N. Lehman
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Источник: Endocrinology
Ключевые слова: Hypothalamic control of reproductive hormones, Plant Reproductive Biology, Ovarian function and disorders
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Том: 153
Выпуск: 11
Страницы: 5105–5118