Аннотация:Abstract It emerged recently that there is an inter‐relationship between drought and ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B) radiation in plant responses, in that both stresses provoke an oxidative burst. The purpose of this investigation was to compare the effects and interaction of drought and UV‐B in wheat and pea. The absence of changes in relative leaf water content (RWC) after UV‐B treatments indicate that changes in water content were not involved. RWC was the main factor resulting in reduced growth in response to drought. Increases in anthocyanin and phenols were detected after exposure to UV‐B. The increases do not appear to be of sufficient magnitude to act as a UV‐B screen. UV‐B application caused greater membrane damage than drought stress, as assessed by lipid peroxidation as well as osmolyte leakage. An increase in the specific activities of antioxidant enzymes was measured after UV‐B alone as well as after application to droughted plants. Proline increased primarily in drought‐stressed pea or wheat. Proline may be the drought‐induced factor which has a protective role in response to UV‐B. The physiological and biochemical parameters measured indicate the UV‐B light has stronger stress effectors than drought on the growth of seedlings of both species. The two environmental stresses acted synergistically to induce protective mechanisms in that pre‐application of either stress reduced the damage caused by subsequent application of the other stress.