Аннотация:Abstract The pollen morphology of two Bienertia species and 28 Suaeda species from the Old World has been studied with light and scanning electron microscopy. Pollen morphological characters used in this study include pollen diameter, pore number, pore diameter, operculum diameter, chord distance, exine thickness, plus number and characteristics of exine spinules and operculum spinules. Using these characters, the pollen of Bienertia is clearly distinguished from that of Suaeda. In addition, pollen data support recent molecular studies which merge the genus Borszczowia into Suaeda. The pollen grains of Suaeda show notable variation; in some cases this allows morphological distinctions to be made between species. Taxonomically, pore number is observed to be a more useful character than pollen diameter. Principal components analysis (PCA) shows only a weak correlation between pollen characters and habit (life form), habitat, mode of photosynthesis or phylogenetic relationships. Interestingly, however, the annual C3 and C4 species of section Schoberia are usually characterised by a higher pore number than the perennial C4 species.