Divergent Therapeutic and Immunologic Effects of Oligodeoxynucleotides with Distinct CpG Motifsстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Abstract Immune stimulatory oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) with unmethylated CpG motifs are potent inducers of both innate and adaptive immunity. It initially appeared that a single type of optimal CpG motif would work in all applications. We now report that specific motifs of CpG ODN can vary dramatically in their ability to induce individual immune effects and that these differences impact on their antitumor activity in different tumor models. In particular, a distinct type of CpG motif, which has a chimeric backbone in combination with poly(G) tails, is a potent inducer of NK lytic activity but has little effect on cytokine secretion or B cell proliferation. One such NK-optimized CpG ODN (1585) can induce regression of established melanomas in mice. Surprisingly, no such therapeutic effects were seen with CpG ODN optimized for activation of B cells and Th1-like cytokine expression (ODN 1826). The therapeutic effects of CpG 1585 in melanoma required the presence of NK but not T or B cells and were not associated with the induction of a tumor-specific memory response. In contrast, CpG 1826, but not CpG 1585, was effective at inducing regression of the EL4 murine lymphoma; this rejection was associated with the induction of a memory response and although NK cells were necessary, they were not sufficient. These results demonstrate that selection of optimal CpG ODN for cancer immunotherapy depends upon a careful analysis of the cellular specificities of various CpG motifs and an understanding of the cellular mechanisms responsible for the antitumor activity in a particular tumor.
Год издания: 2001
Авторы: Zuhair K. Ballas, Arthur Μ. Krieg, Thomas L. Warren, Wendy Rasmussen, Heather L. Davis, Marinella Waldschmidt, George J. Weiner
Издательство: American Association of Immunologists
Источник: The Journal of Immunology
Ключевые слова: Immune Cell Function and Interaction, T-cell and B-cell Immunology, Immunotherapy and Immune Responses
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Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 167
Выпуск: 9
Страницы: 4878–4886