Аннотация:1. Cosmic and Ritual Order in Vedic Literature 2. Ultimate Reality in the Upanishad 3. Basic Doctrines of Jainism 4. Jain Philosophy and Political Thought 5. Theravada Buddhism 6. Mahayana Buddhism: The Greater 7. Vehicle of the Thunderbolt and the Decline of Buddhism in India 8. Dharma: First End of Man (R.N.D.) 9. Artha: Second End of Man (R.N.D.) 10. Kama: Third End of Man (V.R., revised) 11. Moksha: Fourth End of Man 12. Songs of Medievel Hindu Devotion (V.R., revised) 13. Foundations of Islam in India 14. Muslim Ruler in India 15. Islamic Mysticism in India 16. Sikhism: Faith and Practice