Аннотация:Abstract Summary: RDP2 is a Windows 95/XP program that examines nucleotide sequence alignments and attempts to identify recombinant sequences and recombination breakpoints using 10 published recombination detection methods, including GENECONV, BOOTSCAN, MAXIMUM χ2, CHIMAERA and SISTER SCANNING. The program enables fast automated analysis of large alignments (up to 300 sequences containing 13 000 sites), and interactive exploration, management and verification of results with different recombination detection and tree drawing methods. Availability: RDP2 is available free from the RDP2 website (http://darwin.uvigo.es/rdp/rdp.html) Contact: darren@science.uct.ac.za Supplementary information: Detailed descriptions of RDP2 and the methods it implements are included in the program manual, which can be downloaded from the RDP2 website.