Аннотация:ABSTRACT Ground pork shoulders were combined with 50/50 pork trimmings to achieve fat levels of 20.0, 23.3, 26.6, and 30.0%. Salt/phosphate (NaCl/PO 4 ) combinations of 0/0, 1/0, 1/0.25 and 2%/0.5% were blended with each fat level. Each treatment combination was stored at 3°C for 7 days in air‐permeable film (AP), 21 days in vacuum pouches (VP) and at −23°C for 90 days in double‐wrapped (DW) freezer paper. Fat level did not affect pH, expressed moisture (EM), peroxide value (PV), 2‐thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values or cooking losses. Patties with 30.0% fat were jucier and required less energy to compress. A combination of 1%NaCl/0.25%PC 4 reduced cooking losses, enhanced sensory properties and moderated the oxidation effects of NaCl up to 60 days of frozen storage. The NaCl treatment accelerated lipid oxidation most during all storage conditions while the control remained the least oxidized.