Priming and memory of stress responses in organisms lacking a nervous systemreview
Аннотация: Experience and memory of environmental stimuli that indicate future stress can prepare (prime) organismic stress responses even in species lacking a nervous system. The process through which such organisms prepare their phenotype for an improved response to future stress has been termed 'priming'. However, other terms are also used for this phenomenon, especially when considering priming in different types of organisms and when referring to different stressors. Here we propose a conceptual framework for priming of stress responses in bacteria, fungi and plants which allows comparison of priming with other terms, e.g. adaptation, acclimation, induction, acquired resistance and cross protection. We address spatial and temporal aspects of priming and highlight current knowledge about the mechanisms necessary for information storage which range from epigenetic marks to the accumulation of (dormant) signalling molecules. Furthermore, we outline possible patterns of primed stress responses. Finally, we link the ability of organisms to become primed for stress responses (their 'primability') with evolutionary ecology aspects and discuss which properties of an organism and its environment may favour the evolution of priming of stress responses.
Год издания: 2015
Авторы: Monika Hilker, Jens Schwachtje, Margarete Baier, Salma Balazadeh, Isabel Bäurle, Sven Geiselhardt, Dirk K. Hincha, Reinhard Kunze, Bernd Mueller‐Roeber, Matthias C. Rillig, Jens Rolff, Tina Romeis, Thomas Schmülling, Anke Steppuhn, Joost T. van Dongen, Sarah J. Whitcomb, Susanne Wurst, Ellen Zuther, Joachim Kopka
Издательство: Wiley
Источник: Biological reviews/Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Ключевые слова: Plant and Biological Electrophysiology Studies, Plant and animal studies, Insect and Arachnid Ecology and Behavior
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Открытый доступ: green
Том: 91
Выпуск: 4
Страницы: 1118–1133