Аннотация:Plant mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are involved in important processes, including stress signaling and development. In a functional yeast screen, we identified mutations that render Arabidopsis thaliana MAPKs constitutively active (CA). Importantly, CA-MAPKs maintain their specificity toward known activators and substrates. As a proof-of-concept, Arabidopsis MAPK4 (MPK4) function in plant immunity was investigated. In agreement with the phenotype of mpk4 mutants, CA-MPK4 plants were compromised in pathogen-induced salicylic acid accumulation and disease resistance. MPK4 activity was found to negatively regulate pathogen-associated molecular pattern-induced reactive oxygen species production but had no impact on callose deposition, indicating that CA-MPK4 allows discriminating between processes regulated by MPK4 activity from processes indirectly affected by mpk4 mutation. Finally, MPK4 activity was also found to compromise effector-triggered immunity conditioned by the Toll Interleukin-1 Receptor–nucleotide binding (NB)–Leu-rich repeat (LRR) receptors RPS4 and RPP4 but not by the coiled coil–NB-LRR receptors RPM1 and RPS2. Overall, these data reveal important insights on how MPK4 regulates plant defenses and establishes that CA-MAPKs offer a powerful tool to analyze the function of plant MAPK pathways.