Improving Dementia Health Literacy Using the FLOW Mnemonicстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Background. Dementia health literacy is low among the public and likely poses a significant barrier to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) symptom recognition and treatment, particularly among minority populations already facing higher AD burden. We evaluated the pilot phase of a novel AD health education program, Old SCHOOL (Seniors Can Have Optimal Aging and Ongoing Longevity) Hip-Hop (OSHH), which is designed to enable children to be AD health educational conduits in the home (“child-mediated health communication”). Method. OSHH applied our stroke-validated model of engaging, dynamic, and age- and culturally appropriate curriculum delivered to elementary school-age children (fourth/fifth grades, ages 9-11 years). We assessed AD knowledge among the children at baseline, immediately following the intervention (1-hour program delivered daily over 3 consecutive days), and 3 months later. For key AD symptoms, we developed the FLOW mnemonic ( forget, lose, overlook, write/wander); students were additionally taught action plans for recognized symptoms. Results. Seventy-five students completed baseline assessments, and 68 completed posttesting. AD symptoms in FLOW were not well known at baseline (individually ranging from 16% to 71% correct) but were highly learned after 3 days (89% to 98% correct) and retained well after 3 months (80% to 95% correct, p ≤ .01 for all comparisons vs. baseline). AD localization, including its effect on memory and the hippocampus, was also highly learned and retained ( p < .001). Eighteen students (24%) reported having a close friend/family member with AD. Conclusions. This study suggests our hip-hop health education model may be an effective method to improve AD health literacy.
Год издания: 2014
Авторы: James M. Noble, Monique Hedmann, Olajide Williams
Издательство: SAGE Publishing
Источник: Health Education & Behavior
Ключевые слова: E-Learning and COVID-19, Online Learning and Analytics, Online and Blended Learning
Другие ссылки: Health Education & Behavior (HTML)
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Том: 42
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Страницы: 73–83