Anopheles gambiae gonotrophic cycle duration, biting and exiting behaviour unaffected by permethrin‐impregnated bednets in The Gambiaстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Abstract. Permethrin‐impregnated bednets protect children against malaria in The Gambia, where Anopheles gambiae complex mosquitoes are the main vectors of malaria. However, no effect has been found on mosquito density, parous rates or sporozoite rates in An.gambiae sensu lato populations; only a reduction in the numbers of mosquitoes resting indoors in rooms with treated bednets. A possible explanation for this paradox is that exposure to treated bednets leads to changed vector behaviour such as a shift in biting time, a diversion to biting outdoors instead of indoors, to biting animals instead of humans, or to increased duration of the gonotrophic cycle. To investigate these possibilities, we observed the biting and exiting behaviour of An.gambiae in ten pairs of villages, in half of which the residents used permethrin‐treated bednets. The possible influence of treated bednets on the gonotrophic cycle length was evaluated by mark‐release‐recapture experiment. No significant difference was found between villages with treated and untreated bednets in the indoor/outdoor ratio of human biting, in mean biting times or in human blood indices of An.gambiae females found resting indoors in the mornings. The proportions of unfed, fed or gravid An.gambiae females collected in exit traps, and the number of females exiting showed no significant differences between rooms with treated and untreated bednets. Indications for a gonotrophic cycle length of 2 days were found. No evidence for any change in duration of the gonotrophic cycle in relation to exposure to treated bednets was found, although the number of recaptures was low in the villages with treated bednets. Since equal numbers of infective An.gambiae were found in villages with treated or untreated bednets, and no changes in mosquito behaviour were detected, we cannot account for how children are protected against malaria by treated bednets. One possibility is that mosquitoes divert to bite other hosts, including adults.
Год издания: 1997
Издательство: Wiley
Источник: Medical and Veterinary Entomology
Ключевые слова: Malaria Research and Control, Mosquito-borne diseases and control, Insect Pest Control Strategies
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Том: 11
Выпуск: 1
Страницы: 71–78