A ten-year review of commercial vaccine performance for control of tick infestations on cattle
Аннотация: Abstract Ticks are important ectoparasites of domestic and wild animals, and tick infestations economically impact cattle production worldwide. Control of cattle tick infestations has been primarily by application of acaricides which has resulted in selection of resistant ticks and environmental pollution. Herein we discuss data from tick vaccine application in Australia, Cuba, Mexico and other Latin American countries. Commercial tick vaccines for cattle based on the Boophilus microplus Bm86 gut antigen have proven to be a feasible tick control method that offers a cost-effective, environmentally friendly alternative to the use of acaricides. Commercial tick vaccines reduced tick infestations on cattle and the intensity of acaricide usage, as well as increasing animal production and reducing transmission of some tick-borne pathogens. Although commercialization of tick vaccines has been difficult owing to previous constraints of antigen discovery, the expense of testing vaccines in cattle, and company restructuring, the success of these vaccines over the past decade has clearly demonstrated their potential as an improved method of tick control for cattle. Development of improved vaccines in the future will be greatly enhanced by new and efficient molecular technologies for antigen discovery and the urgent need for a tick control method to reduce or replace the use of acaricides, especially in regions where extensive tick resistance has occurred.
Год издания: 2007
Авторы: José de la Fuente, Consuelo Almazán, Mario Canales, José Manuel Pérez de la Lastra, Katherine M. Kocan, Peter Willadsen
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Источник: Animal Health Research Reviews
Ключевые слова: Vector-borne infectious diseases, Vector-Borne Animal Diseases, Insect and Pesticide Research
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Страницы: 23–28