Аннотация:We conducted continuous‐flow experiments on intact sediment cores from Laguna Madre, Sabine Lake, East Matagorda Bay, and Nueces Estuary to evaluate internal nitrogen (N) sources, sinks, and retention mechanisms in Texas estuaries having different salinities. Mean ammonium (NH 4 + ) flux ranged from slight uptake (negative values) to NH 4 + production rates of about 300 µmol m −2 h −1 (units used for all N rates) and increased with salinity (p = 0.10). Net nitrate (NO 3 − ) flux (–20 to 32) and net N 2 flux (–70 to 100) did not relate to salinity. Mean net N 2 flux was positive but near zero, indicating that N 2 sources and sinks are nearly balanced. Total denitrification, N fixation, and potential dissimilatory NO 3 − reduction to NH 4 + (DNRA) rates were estimated after inflow water was enriched with 15 NO 3 − (100 µmol L −1 ). Total denitrification rates ranged from 0 to 90 versus N fixation rates ranging from 0 to 97. Potential DNRA, measured conservatively as 15 H accumulation, ranged from 0 to 80 and related significantly to salinity (p < 0.01). Increases in total NH 4 + release after 15 NO 3 − additions were higher but closely related (r = 0.9998) to 15 NH 4 + accumulation, implying exchange reactions of DNRA‐regenerated 15 N 4 + with sediment‐bound 14 NH 4 + . The fate of NO2 was related to salinity, perhaps via sulfide effects on DNRA. Potential DNRA was high in southeastern Corpus Christi Bay in August during hypoxia when the sulfide transition zone was near the sediment surface. Nitrogen fixation and DNRA are important mechanisms that add and retain available N in Texas estuaries.