Аннотация:The number of deaths in a large series of suicide attempters followed up after their attempts was 3.3 times greater than expected. Suicide or probable suicide occurred in 2.8% by the end of the eighth year of follow-up, the rate of suicidal deaths being 26.9 times the expected rate. The highest risk of suicide was during the first 3 years, especially in the first 6 months, following an attempt. Factors identified at the time of the attempts which were associated with suicide risk included: being male, advancing age (females only), psychiatric disorder (especially schizophrenia), long-term use of hypnotics, poor physical health, and repeat attempts. Recent disruption of a relationship with a partner and major rows rarely preceded the attempts of those who later killed themselves. Factors predicting long-term risk of suicide also predicted short-term risk. There were more than double the expected number of deaths from natural causes, the excess being greatest in females. Markedly high death rates were found for endocrine, circulatory and respiratory diseases, and accidents.