Landmark Papers: No. 3статья из журнала
Аннотация: I am very pleased to introduce the third in the series of Landmark Papers. This paper, another of the important papers published in the Journal and its predecessor The Journal of Soil Science, has inspired the longer-term thinking about the way in which soils function and, especially in this case, contribute to the understanding of wider-scale interactions of soils with other components of the global ecosystem. Landmark Paper 3 on the global status of soil carbon by Niels Batjes, first published in the European Journal of Soil Science in 1996, (Total carbon and nitrogen in the soils of the world; N.H. Batjes, European Journal of Soil Science, 1996, 47, 151–163) was, arguably, the first paper to alert the world to the functional role of soils at this scale. As Niels Batjes notes in his reflections ‘Such information is needed to inform land-use policies and to propose interventions that promote a reduction in biogenic greenhouse gas emissions at a global scale while ensuring food security, biodiversity and human well-being and livelihood at the local scale.’ The paper also provided an excellent example of how data from many sources can be integrated and deployed to provide a stimulus for further discussion and debate by scientists of all disciplines and indeed by policy makers. The importance of the paper is clearly demonstrated by the comprehensive commentary provided by three of the Journal's Associate Editors (Peter Loveland, Franz Conen and Bas van Wesemael). This commentary illustrates the extent to which the paper stimulated not only research on the contribution of soil carbon to global budgets from many parts of the world, but also on the way that we measure it and interpret the data. As usual, to accompany and complement the publication of Landmark Paper 3, we are also publishing an online virtual issue (available at that comprises a selection of other papers published in the Journal up until the present day that have used and developed the ideas first set out by Batjes. There are many others that could have been included, but I have restricted the list to those papers that provide quantification of soil carbon. As a result of Batjes's paper, many papers have also been produced which have led to improvements in, and development of, the way in which we measure and understand soil carbon and its cycling in soils. I am grateful to Niels Batjes, Peter Loveland, Franz Conen and Bas van Wesemael for their thoughtful and stimulating contributions. I hope that this publication of the Landmark Paper and the associated virtual issue are of interest and value not only to the soil science community but to other disciplines and policy makers too.
Год издания: 2014
Авторы: S. Jarvis
Издательство: Wiley
Источник: European Journal of Soil Science
Ключевые слова: Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
Открытый доступ: closed
Том: 65
Выпуск: 1
Страницы: 1–1