Аннотация:AbstractThe systematic position of secotioid (Torrendia) and gasteroid (Amarrendia) forms within the agaricoid Amanita lineage (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) was studied with molecular (nLSU, ITS) data. Secotioid and gasteroid forms occur in four independent clades nested within agaricoid forms. One clade corresponds to the secotioid T. pulchella from southern Europe and northern Africa. The others correspond to Torrendia and Amarrendia species from Australia. Mediterranean climatic conditions are postulated as a force driving the convergent evolution of these secotioid and at least one of the gasteroid forms in geographically distant areas. Species formerly placed in Torrendia and Amarrendia are transferred to Amanita. A new species of Torrendia from Australia was discovered during the revision of the collections originally identified as T. arenaria and is described here as Amanita pseudoinculta.KeywordsAmarrendiaITSnLSUphylogenysequestrate formsTorrendia The curator of VPI is gratefully thanked for the loan of the original T. arenaria collections. Katrina Syme kindly provided complete information about the nomenclature of A. arenaria. We thankfully acknowledge the technical support of and helpful discussions with Manfred Binder, Dimitris Floudas, Brian Seitzman and Andy Wilson. The comments and suggestions of two reviewers helped improving the manuscript. Financial support was received from a postdoctoral grant of the Autonomous Government of Galicia (Spain) to A. Justo and from the NSF grants IOS-0843278 and DEB-0732968.