Аннотация:The internal classification of genus Anopheles is updated to reflect taxonomic actions published since the classification was last reviewed in 1994. Both formal and informal taxa are included. The classification is intended to aid researchers and students who are interested in analysing species relationships, making group comparisons and testing phylogenetic hypotheses. The genus includes 444 formally named and 40 provisionally designated extant species divided between six subgenera: Anopheles, Cellia, Kerteszia, Lophopodomyia, Nyssorhynchus and Stethomyia. Subgenera Anopheles, Cellia and Nyssorhynchus are subdivided hierarchically into nested informal groups of morphologically similar species that are believed to represent monophyletic lineages based on morphological similarity. Changes to the classification include additional species, eliminated species and changes to the hierarchical organization and composition of supraspecific groups, some as a result of molecular studies.