Аннотация:Situations where normal autografts cannot be used to replace damaged skin often lead to a greater risk of mortality, prolonged hospital stay and increased expenditure for the National Health Service. There is a substantial need for tissue-engineered skin bioconstructs and research is active in this field. Significant progress has been made over the years in the development and clinical use of bioengineered components of the various skin layers. Off-the-shelf availability of such constructs, or production of sufficient quantities of biological materials to aid rapid wound closure, are often the only means to help patients with major skin loss. The aim of this review is to describe those materials already commercially available for clinical use as well as to give a short insight to those under development. It seeks to provide skin scientists/tissue engineers with the information required to not only develop in vitro models of skin, but to move closer to achieving the ultimate goal of an off-the-shelf, complete full-thickness skin replacement.