What's meaning got to do with it: The role of vocabulary in word reading and reading comprehension.статья из журнала
Аннотация: The skill of reading plays an important role in the process of learning a foreign language, whether the learners are children or adults; it is well known that good readers perform better in other language learning skills (Anderson, 2003).However, little attention has been paid to the use of vocabulary teaching complemented with technological tools like online animated stories to promote the development of children's reading abilities.The present qualitative action research project was based on the completion of vocabulary pre-reading activities with A1 L2 third graders, for the comprehension of short online animated stories.Reading tests in the format of true/false and multiple choice question were used to assess how the activities done affected their level of reading comprehension of the animated stories.Interviews were conducted with students and questionnaires were administered to their parents to gather data on their perceptions about the use of multimodal technologies.The data collected were analyzed under the principles of the grounded theory approach, and the results obtained showed that the performance of the children in literal reading comprehension improved, and also their positive perception about the use of multimodal technologies to learn English.This lent support to the notion that having students do vocabulary activities complemented with the use of multimodal technologies is an effective approach to develop skills for reading comprehension;therefore, it is reasoned this approach should be more widely adopted by the EFL educational community in the context of elementary education in Colombia.
Год издания: 2006
Авторы: Gene P. Ouellette
Издательство: American Psychological Association
Источник: Journal of Educational Psychology
Ключевые слова: Reading and Literacy Development, Neurobiology of Language and Bilingualism, Language Development and Disorders
Другие ссылки: Journal of Educational Psychology (HTML)
Intellectum (Universidad de La Sabana) (PDF)
Intellectum (Universidad de La Sabana) (HTML)
Intellectum (Universidad de La Sabana) (PDF)
Intellectum (Universidad de La Sabana) (HTML)
Intellectum (Universidad de La Sabana) (PDF)
Intellectum (Universidad de La Sabana) (HTML)
Intellectum (Universidad de La Sabana) (PDF)
Intellectum (Universidad de La Sabana) (HTML)
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Том: 98
Выпуск: 3
Страницы: 554–566