Recovery of Neurofilament Expression Selectively in Regenerating Reticulospinal Neuronsстатья из журнала
Аннотация: During regeneration of lamprey spinal axons, growth cones lack filopodia and lamellipodia, contain little actin, and elongate much more slowly than do typical growth cones of embryonic neurons. Moreover, these regenerating growth cones are densely packed with neurofilaments (NFs). Therefore, after spinal hemisection the time course of changes in NF mRNA expression was correlated with the probability of regeneration for each of 18 identified pairs of reticulospinal neurons and 12 cytoarchitectonic groups of spinal projecting neurons. During the first 4 weeks after operation, NF message levels were reduced dramatically in all axotomized reticulospinal neurons, on the basis of semiquantitative in situ hybridization for the single lamprey NF subunit (NF-180). Thereafter, NF expression returned toward normal in neurons whose axons normally regenerate beyond the transection but remained depressed in poorly regenerating neurons. The recovery of NF expression in good regenerators was independent of axon growth across the lesion, because excision of a segment of spinal cord caudal to the transection site blocked regeneration but did not prevent the return of NF-180 mRNA. The early decrease in NF mRNA expression was not accompanied by a reduction in NF protein content. Thus the axotomy-induced loss of most of the axonal volume resulted in a reduced demand for NF rather than a reduction in volume-specific NF synthesis. We conclude that the secondary upregulation of NF message during axonal regeneration in the lamprey CNS may be part of an intrinsic growth program executed only in neurons with a strong propensity for regeneration.
Год издания: 1997
Авторы: Alan J. Jacobs, Gary P. Swain, Joseph A. Snedeker, Donald S. Pijak, Laura J. Gladstone, Michael E. Selzer
Издательство: Society for Neuroscience
Источник: Journal of Neuroscience
Ключевые слова: Nerve injury and regeneration, Neurogenesis and neuroplasticity mechanisms, Skin and Cellular Biology Research
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