Real time vision for intelligent vehiclesстатья из журнала
Аннотация: The authors first discuss the Intelligent StopandGo system, a sophisticated cruise control that autonomously follows a lead vehicle, pays attention to the relevant elements of the traffic infrastructure, and accounts for other traffic participants. The Intelligent StopandGo represents a multiyear effort by DaimlerChrysler to build a sophisticated cruise control that can function on highways, on secondary roads, and in urban environments. It combines the following capabilities: extracting lane boundaries, even when they are not clearly marked and do not contain the typical structure of highways; detecting a vehicle that can be followed, estimating ifs distance, speed, and acceleration; detecting stationary obstacles, such as parked cars, which limit the available free space; recognising the traffic signs and traffic lights that are relevant; and detecting and classifying additional traffic participants, such as pedestrians, who might cut in between the lead vehicle and the host vehicle. The DaimlerChrysIer demonstrator Urban Traffic Assistant (UTA) has devoted special attention to information, warning, and assistant functions in an inner-city environment. UTA is an E-class Mercedes-Bent containing sensors for longitudinal speed, longitudinal and lateral acceleration, yaw and pitch rate, and the sfeering wheel angle. It is equipped with a stereo black-and-white camera system as well as a color camera. UTA has access to throttle, brake, and steering. Furthermore, it displays the results of the perceptual modules in a graphical environment from either the driver's perspective or a virtual viewpoint. The computer hardware in UTA comprises three 400-MHz Linux/Pentium II (SMP) PCs for the perception of the environment and one Lynx/604e PowerPC for the control of sensors and actuators.
Год издания: 2001
Авторы: Dariu M. Gavrila, Uwe Franke, Christian Wöhler, Steffen Görzig
Издательство: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Источник: IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine
Ключевые слова: Autonomous Vehicle Technology and Safety, Video Surveillance and Tracking Methods, Advanced Vision and Imaging
Открытый доступ: closed
Том: 4
Выпуск: 2
Страницы: 22–27