Spirituality and health: towards a framework for exploring the relationship between spirituality and healthстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Spirituality and health: towards a framework for exploring the relationship between spirituality and health Background. A growing body of evidence has found that spirituality enhances health. However, spirituality is an elusive concept that defies clear definition. This inevitably presents difficulties when comparing the findings of studies. Therefore conceptual clarification is essential if practitioners are to better understand the relationship between spirituality and health. Aims. The aim of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework, which can be used to explore the relationship between spirituality and health. Methods. The concept‐indicator model was used to analyse spirituality in the literature. The literature was searched for empirical indicators or what are taken as essential attributes of spirituality. Similarities and differences between approaches were identified and these formed the basis of a framework. Findings. The analysis identified three approaches (a trichotomy) to spirituality in the literature. These were termed the transcendent, the value guidance and the structuralist–behaviourist approaches. The paper shows how by clarifying the different conceptualizations of spirituality and the interrelationship between them researchers can also clarify their respective contributions to health. Thus a contribution is made towards making more explicit the ways in which key aspects of spirituality such as transcendence, meaning and purpose, connectedness, hope, and faith, work to produce health benefits in terms of prevention, recovery from illness, or coping with illness. Conclusions. The framework (or trichotomy) will enable practitioners to understand better the connection between spirituality and health. In particular, it will show that to appreciate the benefits that patients might experience from their value or belief systems, practitioners must actively explore the content of those systems in a respectful way.
Год издания: 2002
Авторы: Joanne Coyle
Издательство: Wiley
Источник: Journal of Advanced Nursing
Ключевые слова: Religion, Spirituality, and Psychology, Resilience and Mental Health, Workplace Spirituality and Leadership
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Том: 37
Выпуск: 6
Страницы: 589–597