Аннотация:Abstract The three-dimensional residual circulation driven by tides in an elongated basin of arbitrary depth is described with a small amplitude, constant density model on the f plane. The inclusion of rotation fundamentally alters the residual flow. With rotation, fluid is drawn into the basin on the right side of an observer looking toward the closed end (in the Northern Hemisphere) and the return flow is on the opposite side. A lateral circulation is superposed on the axial flow, with upwelling over the deeper part of each section and downwelling near the sides. The residual flow is driven by a combination of advective terms, including the lateral advection of axial momentum associated with the Coriolis acceleration and Stokes forcing. Tidally averaged fluid parcel trajectories are determined by integrating the Lagrangian mean velocities. With or without rotation these trajectories vary considerably depending on small differences in initial position as well as on basin shape and other parameters of the problem.