Religion as a Question of Style: Revising the Structural Differentiation of Religion from the Perspective of the Analysis of the Contemporary Pluralistic-Religious Situation
Аннотация:The differences in the way religion is "lived" at holy times and in everyday life are äs old äs religion itself.How people deal with these differences has changed.Fortunately, tolerance and dialog have become ethical guidelines in the modern age, given some milieu-specific differences, of course.Although the differences between various religious convictions and practices have not diminished, the general rule is now to perceive and accept them in their diversity with an open mind.The analysis of the contemporary religious landscape presents us with a new Situation.The continuing disintegration of tradition and increasing individualization have placed the bürden of dealing with religious differences on the shoulders of the individual.This change also manifests itself in the great variety of subcultural religious forms, both with and without church affiliation.Leaving a church or not participating in church Services does not necessarily lead to a loss of religion or to a hatred for it. 2 The crumbling of the bonds of tradition has exacerbated the problem.The path leading "from destiny to choice" has been set upon irrevocably, meaning 1 Translated by Ella Brehm.