Аннотация:The application of pod propulsion has become an important concern in designing a new LNG carrier due to the high maneuverability characteristic. However, podded propulsion LNG carrier is a new concept which is still in the evaluation stage. Practically, the maneuverability of podded propulsion LNG carrier is an uncertainty. Hence, it is essential to assess the ship’s maneuvering characteristics. Z-Manoeuvre assessment is one of the recommended tests for maneuverability prediction. This paper discusses on Z-Manoeuvre characteristic of the podded propulsion LNG carrier. A mathematical model for podded propulsion LNG carrier was presented and a simulation program was developed for the Z-Manoeuvre assessment. Finally, simulations were carried out on both conventional propulsion and podded propulsion LNG carriers. The simulation results show that podded propulsion LNG carrier has a better Z-Manoeuvre characteristic.