The Knower and the Known: The Nature of Knowledge in Research on Teachingстатья из журнала
Аннотация: This chapter is a review of conceptions of knowledge as they appear in selected bodies of research on teaching.Writing as a philosopher of education, my interest is in how notions of knowledge are used and analyzed in a number of research programs that study teachers and their teaching.Of particular interest is the growing research literature on the knowledge that teachers generate as a result of their experience as teachers, in contrast to the knowledge of teaching that is generated by those who specialize in research on teaching.This distinction, as will become apparent, is one that divides more conventional scientific approaches to the study of teaching from what might be thought of as alternative approaches.A number of good reviews of the teacher knowledge literature are available elsewhere.Though these tend to be confined to a particular genre of teacher knowledge research, they are thoughtful, probing and helpful.Among them are Kathy Carter's (1990) chapter in the Handbook of Research on Teacher Education, Alan Tom and Linda Valli's (1990) philosophically grounded review of professional knowledge; and Peter Grimmett and Allan MacKinnon's (1992) extensive analysis of craft conceptions of teaching in a previous volume in this series.What distinguishes the present review from these others is that it seeks to be fairly inclusive of the teacher knowledge literature, though restrictive in its analytical categories.I shall examine a number of different research programs that either explicitly purport to be about teacher knowledge or that expand what is known about teaching.The examination, however, will be restricted to the ____________
Год издания: 1994
Авторы: Gary D. Fenstermacher
Издательство: SAGE Publishing
Источник: Review of Research in Education
Ключевые слова: Education and Critical Thinking Development, Educator Training and Historical Pedagogy, Teacher Education and Leadership Studies
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