Аннотация:Vitellin was identified and purified from submature oocytes of Perinereis cultrifera by concanavalin‐A–Sepharose and Ultrogel AcA 34 column chromatography. The yolk protein was defined as a glycolipoprotein with a relative molecular mass of 380000. Upon dissociation by sodium dodecyl sulphate, vitellin was shown to release five polypeptide subunits which ranged in relative molecular mass from 98000–16000. The purified vitellin was further characterized by amino acid analysis and its lipid and carbohydrate contents. The molecule contained about 5% carbohydrate and 16% lipid. Antiserum prepared against vitellin was shown to react with a component from the coelomic fluid of maturing females. Thus, it was suggested that in nereid annelids, considered phylogenetically and morphologically primitive, oocyte differentiation might depend upon the incorporation of a vitellogenin as in insects and many oviparous vertebrates.