Аннотация:AbstractAbstractThe relationship between the vibratory and cavitating jet test methods was determined experimentally. Six metallic specimens were made of aluminum alloy, superduralumin, high-strength brass, stainless steel, carbon steel and chromium-molybdenum steel. The specimen surface was eroded as fine and uniform pattern with the vibratory method, but was rough and ring-shaped with the jet method. Striation and plastic deformation were clearly observed in the specimens eroded by jet cavitation. The volume loss was the largest for aluminum alloy, followed by superduralumin, high- strength brass and steel. Both test methods yielded the same descending order for the volume loss. The ratio of volume loss by the vibratory method compared to the cavitating jet method became constant as the time proceeded.Keywords: cavitationerosionjetvibratorywatermetals