Аннотация:Decays of superheavy relic particles may produce extremely energetic neutrinos. Their annihilations on the relic neutrinos can be the origin of the cosmic rays with energies beyond the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cutoff. The red shift acts as a cosmological filter selecting the sources at some particular value z_e, for which the present neutrino energy is close to the Z pole of the annihilation cross section. We predict no directional correlation of the ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays with the galactic halo. At the same time, there can be some directional correlations in the data, reflecting the distribution of matter at red shift z=z_e. Both of these features are manifest in the existing data. Our scenario is consistent with the neutrino mass reported by Super-Kamiokande and requires no lepton asymmetry or clustering of the background neutrinos.