2011 Compendium of Physical Activitiesстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Purpose: The Compendium of Physical Activities was developed to enhance the comparability of results across studies using self-report physical activity (PA) and is used to quantify the energy cost of a wide variety of PA. We provide the second update of the Compendium, called the 2011 Compendium. Methods: The 2011 Compendium retains the previous coding scheme to identify the major category headings and specific PA by their rate of energy expenditure in MET. Modifications in the 2011 Compendium include cataloging measured MET values and their source references, when available; addition of new codes and specific activities; an update of the Compendium tracking guide that links information in the 1993, 2000, and 2011 compendia versions; and the creation of a Web site to facilitate easy access and downloading of Compendium documents. Measured MET values were obtained from a systematic search of databases using defined key words. Results: The 2011 Compendium contains 821 codes for specific activities. Two hundred seventeen new codes were added, 68% (561/821) of which have measured MET values. Approximately half (317/604) of the codes from the 2000 Compendium were modified to improve the definitions and/or to consolidate specific activities and to update estimated MET values where measured values did not exist. Updated MET values accounted for 73% of all code changes. Conclusions: The Compendium is used globally to quantify the energy cost of PA in adults for surveillance activities, research studies, and, in clinical settings, to write PA recommendations and to assess energy expenditure in individuals. The 2011 Compendium is an update of a system for quantifying the energy cost of adult human PA and is a living document that is moving in the direction of being 100% evidence based.
Год издания: 2011
Авторы: Barbara E. Ainsworth, William L. Haskell, Stephen D. Herrmann, Nathanael Meckes, David R. Bassett, Catrine Tudor‐Locke, Jennifer L. Greer, Jesse W. Vezina, Melicia C. Whitt‐Glover, Arthur S. Leon
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Источник: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Ключевые слова: Physical Activity and Health, Obesity, Physical Activity, Diet, Children's Physical and Motor Development
Другие ссылки: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (HTML)
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Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 43
Выпуск: 8
Страницы: 1575–1581