Аннотация:Neuroscience is opening a new chapter of understanding in many fields. One such is how advertising works. For the first time we can directly ‘see’ some effects of advertisements on the brain's activity. This article reports two small‐scale experiments into the differential effects of advertising's rational and emotional components. Advertising has long been seen as providing reasons to buy, however subtle. In academic research at least, the importance of emotion has often been downplayed. The preliminary experiment reported here shows how emotional ads are more likely to be remembered. The second experiment uses brain imaging to investigate the part of the brain which responds to emotionally‐engaging (‘affective’) and reason‐engaging (‘cognitive’) advertising stimuli. These are very early days in using brain‐imaging techniques and these experiments are very exploratory. However, as the three Commentaries by Simon Broadbent, Thomas O'Guinn and Larry Percy suggest, along with other work, they may point towards a revolution in advertising research.