Аннотация:Abstract A high resolution model of the upper Bay of Fundy was developed to simulate the tides and sea level. The model includes the wetting and drying (inundation) of the extensive tidal flats in Minas Basin. The model reproduces the dominant M2 tidal harmonic with an error on the order of 0.30 m, and the total water level in Minas Basin with an r.m.s. error of 0.30–0.50 m. Overall the system is capable of a sea level simulation with a relative error of ∼10%. The motivation for the model development was the simulation of the land/water interface (instantaneous coastline) to aid in the validation of coastline retrieval algorithms from remotely sensed observations. Comparison of observed and simulated coastlines showed that a high quality representation of the local topography/bathymetry is as important as the sea level simulation in the calculation of the coastline. For example, long narrow features such as dykes are difficult to resolve in a dynamical model but are important for the inundation of low lying areas.