Аннотация:This session consisted of nine contributed papers all dealing with different aspects of noise and vibration control. St. Hilaire and Vaidya described the mechanism of sound generation caused by the metal reed in a reed organ, and in another paper described the response in a small room due to a sound source in a larger room connected by an opening between them. Davies applied statistical energy analysis to systems with strong but point coupling. Tseo presented a farfield formulation for sound pressure and radiation intensity from a simply supported rectangular plate. Jai-Lue Lai showed mean-square displacement responses of an axially moving belt for loadings of special random processes. Prediction methods for sound power radiated by several classes of rigid flow-discontinuities in low-speed air ducts were presented with experimental evidence by Hayden. Requirements on scanning rate and detection time constant were presented for space-averaged acoustic measurements by Wooten and Cary. Nitsche presented a survey of spectral analysis techniques for moving sound sources. The use of Helmholtz resonators for acoustic absorption was presented by Czarnecki.