Аннотация:Abstract This research examines behavioral, motivational, cognitive, and emotional processes at work during a sales encounter. Thorough scrutiny of the factors that play an important role during a sales encounter is important in order to understand the entire sales process and learn more about how to cultivate and keep loyal customers. This research examines the interaction between selling behaviors and consumer motivation in a manner that produces positive cognitive and emotional responses on the part of the consumer. The aim is to provide salespeople with insights on behaviors that are most appropriate in terms of facilitating consumers' goals, and generating positive emotions that ultimately should help build customer loyalty. In two experiments, salesperson behavior is adapted for consumers with different goals in order to generate positive cognitive and emotional responses. The results indicate that there is an interaction between consumer goals and salesperson behavior that leads to specific hypothesized cognitive and emotional outcomes. Implications are that salespeople should move away from formula-based sales approaches and focus on understanding consumer motivation.
Источник:The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
Ключевые слова:Consumer Behavior in Brand Consumption and Identification, Cognitive and psychological constructs research, Customer Service Quality and Loyalty