Аннотация:This study deals with establishing the characteristics of a microbial community isolated from indoor artworks and the surrounding air environment. It is one of the few studies on microbial degradation of indoor artworks. It shows the potential biodegradative risk that can occur if artworks are not exhibited and conserved in an appropriate environment. The microbial community isolated from the indoor artworks and air environment was examined by cultural and molecular methods. Different plate assays were used to screen the biodegradative activity of the isolated microflora: Remazol Brilliant Blue R, phenol red, and Azure B for the ligninolytic properties; Ostazin brilliant red H-3B for cellulose degradation; CaCO 3 glucose agar for solubilization activity; and B4 agar for biomineralization. To type the bacterial and fungal isolates, 2 PCR methods, repetitive extragenic palindromes (REP) and random amplified microsatellite polymorphisms (RAMP) were used. The art objects were principally colonized by fungi. The most commonly isolated strains were represented by hyphomycetes of the genera Penicillium , Aspergillus , Cladosporium , and Chaetomium . Members of these genera showed intensive biodegradation activity, both on wood and on stone. Bacteria were predominant in the air, exhibiting complex communities, both in the air and on the artworks. The most frequently isolated genera were Bacillus and Staphylococcus with extensive biodegradation abilities. REP-PCR revealed high variability within strains belonging to the same genus. RAMP is a new PCR-based method, used in this research for the first time to cluster the microfilamentous fungi and to characterize and select especially Penicillium and Aspergillus strains, which were isolated in a large number.