Internal Colonialism: The Celtic Fringe in British National Development, 1536-1966статья из журнала
Аннотация: Recent years have seen a resurgence of separatist sentiments among national minorities in many industrial societies, including the United Kingdom. In 1997, the Scottish and Welsh both set up their own parliamentary bodies, while the tragic events in Northern Ireland continued to be a reminder of the Irish problem. These phenomena call into question widely accepted social theories which assume that ethnic attachments in a society will wane as industrialization proceeds. This book presents the social basis of ethnic identity, and examines changes in the strength of ethnic solidarity in the United Kingdom during the 19th and 20th centuries. As well as being a case study, the work also has implications, as it suggests that the colonialism of the kind experienced in the British Isles has its analogues in the histories of other industrial societies. Hechter examines the unexpected persistence of ethnicity in the politics of industrial societies by focusing on the British Isles. Why do many of the inhabitants of Wales, Scotland and Ireland continue to maintain an ethnic identity opposed to England? Hechter explains the salience of ethnic identity by analyzing the relationships between England, the national core, and its periphery, the Celtic fringe, in the context of two alternative models of core-periphery relations in the industrial setting. The diffusion model suggests that intergroup contact leads to ethnic homogenization, and the internal model, suggests such contact heightens distinctive ethnic identification. His findings lend support to the colonial model, and show that, although industrialization did contribute to a decline in interregional linguistic differences, it resulted neither in the cultural assimilation of Celtic lands, nor the development of regional economic equality. The study concludes that ethnic solidarity will inevitably emerge among groups which are relegated to inferior positions in a cultural division of labour.
Год издания: 1978
Авторы: H. J. Hanham, Michael Hechter
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Источник: The American Historical Review
Ключевые слова: Scottish History and National Identity, Historical Studies of British Isles, Irish and British Studies
Открытый доступ: closed
Том: 83
Выпуск: 1
Страницы: 173–173