Designing China's urban future: The Greater Shanghai Plan, 1927–1937статья из журнала
Аннотация: Among the world's greatest cities — New York, London, Paris and Tokyo — Shanghai ranks as a singular phenomenon. Its survival in the face of a startling expansion and rise to prominence, within a scant 140 years, was based on the melding of Chinese and foreign efforts to lay down its urban infrastructures and in 'planning' its future. Yet, since 1949, these efforts, particularly the Greater Shanghai Plan of 1927, have been ignored in the literature or dismissed as aberrant. However, the origins and objectives of the Plan were anything but an aberration. Founded solidly on decades of intense efforts to create a Chinese municipality that would parallel the achievements of the foreign settlements, the Plan's objectives went beyond mere imitation. For the Plan called for the redevelopment of the port as well as the creation of a new city centre that would be an irrefutable statement of Shanghai's, and therefore China's, determination to challenge and exceed the urban standards and prosperity of the foreign settlements. However, neither foreigners nor Chinese could sensibly plan for Shanghai's future without planning inclusively; that is, without in some measure accommodating one another. In that light, the main configurations of the Greater Shanghai Plan become intelligible. Promulgated simultaneously with the creation of China's first municipal law, the Plan was the result of the work of the City Planning Commission and with the assistance of foreign technical consultants. Pragmatic in its objective of developing the various areas comprising the infrastructure of greater Shanghai, and as an adjunct to the new port facilities and the construction of the monumental Civic Centre, the Plan's political aim was to unite all the areas comprising Shanghai into one unified administrative whole, encompassing and eventually absorbing the foreign settlements. Although destined to be a practical or nominal failure in its original form because of civil unrest and war, the Plan places the city more accurately within China's substantial range of urban experience and provides fresh perspectives on the international ramifications of planning incentives and processes.
Год издания: 1990
Авторы: Kerrie L. MacPherson
Издательство: Taylor & Francis
Источник: Planning Perspectives
Ключевые слова: China's Socioeconomic Reforms and Governance, Economic Zones and Regional Development
Открытый доступ: closed
Том: 5
Выпуск: 1
Страницы: 39–62