Аннотация:Within the minimal supersymmetric standard model we study the three body decay of the lighter top squark ${\stackrel{\ifmmode \tilde{}\else \~{}\fi{}}{t}}_{1}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\mathrm{bW}\stackrel{\ifmmode \tilde{}\else \~{}\fi{}}{\ensuremath{\chi}}{}_{1}^{0}$ and compare this decay with the flavor-changing two body decay ${\stackrel{\ifmmode \tilde{}\else \~{}\fi{}}{t}}_{1}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}c{\stackrel{\ifmmode \tilde{}\else \~{}\fi{}}{\ensuremath{\chi}}}_{1}^{0}$. Here $\stackrel{\ifmmode \tilde{}\else \~{}\fi{}}{\ensuremath{\chi}}{}_{1}^{0}$ is the lightest neutralino which we assume to be the lightest supersymmetric particle. We do this for scenarios where two body decays at the tree level are forbidden for the light top squark. We give the complete analysis for the three body decay and compare it with the mentioned two body decay. We discuss our numerical results in view of the upgraded Fermilab Tevatron, the CERN LHC, and a 500 GeV ${e}^{+}{e}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ Linear Collider.