Аннотация:Three-dimensional finite element analyses were performed to study the behavior of piles in sloping ground under undrained lateral loading conditions. Piles of different diameter and length in sloping cohesive soils of different undrained shear strength and several ground slopes were considered. Based on the results of the finite element analyses, analytical formulations are derived for the ultimate load per unit length and the initial stiffness of hyperbolic p-y curves. New p-y criteria for static loading of piles in clay are proposed, which take into account the inclination of the slope and the adhesion of the pile-slope interface. These curves are used through a commercial subgrade reaction computer code to parametrically analyze the effect of slope inclination and pile adhesion on lateral displacements and bending moments. To validate the proposed p-y curves, a number of well documented lateral load tests are analyzed. Remarkable agreement is obtained between predicted and measured responses for a wide range of soil undrained shear strength and pile diameter, length, and stiffness.