Аннотация:1. Introduction: on the interaction of theory and description of syntax Liliane Haegeman (University of Geneva) 2. Subjects and clause structure Anna Cardinaletti (University of Venice) 3. Verb syntax in, and beyond, creolization Michel DeGraff (University of Michigan) 4. The categorical status of determiners Giuliana Giusti (University of Venice) 5. Romance causatives Maria Teresa Guasti (Dipsco Milano) 6. Focus and the CP domain Genoveva Puskas (University of Geneva) 7. Event nominals and the construct state Tali Siloni (Tel Aviv University) 8. V -to-I - Movement and inflection for person in all tenses Sten Vikner (Rutgers University) 9. Negation and verb movement Raffaella Zanuttini (University of Georgetown) 10. The Germanic SOV languages and the Universal Base Hypothesis Jan-Wouter Zwart (University of Groningen) 11. A parametric approach to comparative syntax: properties of the pronominal system Luigi Rizzi (University of Geneva) List of Contributors Preface Acknowledgements