Аннотация:Intradermal tests with anti-IgE and measurements of serum IgE levels were done in patients with atopic dermatitis who did not have concurrent hay fever or asthma, patients with psoriasis, and nonatopic volunteers. The minimal amount of anti-IgE required to elicit a standard wheal and flare reaction 15 minutes after injection in patients with atopic dermatitis did not differ significantly from the two control groups. Also, there was no correlation between the results of the intradermal testing and severity of the dermatitis. The mean serum of IgE levels in patients with atopic dermatitis were higher than those of the two control groups. In addition, in patients with atopic dermatitis there was a strong correlation between the level of serum IgE and the severity of dermatitis, whether or not a positive history for asthma or hay fever was elicited.